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  • 130 inch image with laser technology ! THE PREMIERE... Everything is possible !-SONXPLUS Chambly
    June 12, 2021

    130 inch image with laser technology! THE PREMIERE... Everything is possible!

    In the early days of projectors, there were many constraints and not everyone could afford them. As if the bill wasn't enough, people had to dedicate a totally dark room for installation, the device measured one square meter (36 inches by 36 inches) and they required fine adjustments for colour balance and focus. The three bulbs that were used to...
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  • SAMSUNG 8K TVs The Future Now -SONXPLUS Chambly
    May 12, 2021

    SAMSUNG 8K TVs The Future Now!

    The television world is catching up with too many years of undeveloped television. A New World of home entertainment has emerged in the last 30 years and the television has followed in the footsteps of the home theatre systems that first appeared in the 1990s. With these new 8K displays equipped to perform remarkably well, we will now be able to reproduce the home cinema experience in both picture and sound quality.
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