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INFO SONXPLUS: March is audio month! The 5 pillars of listening for audiophiles.

INFO SONXPLUS: March is audio month! The 5 pillars of listening for audiophiles.

After a two-year hiatus, if all goes well, we will have our first Montreal Audio Show from March 25-27, 2022. Salon Audio Montreal will present the 33rd edition of its popular annual event at the Bonaventure Hotel in Montreal where close to 100 exhibitors, representing over 300 brands of products from the world of high-fidelity audio will be present.

I'll take this opportunity to present a series of reviews geared solely towards audiophile listening. To begin with, I will give you a summary of the ins and outs of music reproduction followed by a dossier on the factors that control fidelity, an affordable buying guide, a purist's guide, and various dossiers on the electronic components that make music come to your ears!

Let's set the table with a simplified account to start this series!

The 5 factors to watch out for:

  1. The process will need to retain its integrity to ensure the realism of the rendering.
  2. The selected mode of transport of the music source.
  3. This source will be interpreted by a reproduction component.
  4. The signal generated by the component will need to be amplified.
  5. Bass and treble speakers will make the process audible.

    1. Reproduction processes.

    Throughout the reproduction process, the notion of high fidelity should be maintained.

    Whether it is the type of digital encoding, the maintenance of a noise-free environment, or the most distortion-free performance possible, high-fidelity is a concept that must be maintained along the following four pillars. I invite you to read the following article for this purpose. "What exactly is high fidelity?"

    2. The modes of transport of the music source.

     In 2022, we can receive music information via different media. The simplest and most accessible will be AM and FM radio. Mostly used in cars, FM is now offered in a digital version that offers, in addition to exemplary sound, alphanumeric information and broadcasting of several sub-channels at the same time.

    Another style of streaming is web radio and paid streaming services. In the case of web radio, it is free, but offers a lower quality similar to MP3. Pay-TV broadcasters offer basic broadcasting at low cost as well as a premium service with increased resolution. It is important to be informed, as the quality varies greatly due to the encoding technologies used. All claim to be 'true high fidelity', but this is not always the case. Currently, DEEZER as well as QUOBUZ offer proven methods of audio dubbing. At Sonxplus in Chambly, this is what we personally use.

    For analogue signals, there are various means of transport such as magnetic tape, radio tuning other than digital FM, and vinyl.

    Finally, CDs and DVDs close the ball in terms of transport modes.

    3. Reproductive components.

    For each of the sources, there will be a dedicated device, here they are:

    • Network player for web radio, pay services, files on digital media.
    • Traditional radio tuner for AM or FM listening
    • The record player or turntable will be used to play vinyl records.
    • A player suitable for CDs or regular DVDs and Blu-ray will be required
    • For older media such as magnetic tapes, the use of a reel-to-reel or cassette deck will close the ball of components for our time.

    As with all things, it will be necessary to choose carefully, as the performance will vary from one component to another, and this will be the subject of subsequent columns.

    4. Amplification

    Once the signal has been interpreted by the component, the amplifier will provide the necessary power to drive your speakers. There are different types of amplifiers, in addition to the number of watts of power, factors such as distortion rate, signal-to-noise ratio, intermodulation and so on, will have to be considered.

    5. The speakers

    It is the most important one in the chain, as it will transform signals into true sounds. A whole column will be dedicated to it, because the quantity of concepts and approaches is very large and deserves to be discussed. In addition, everyone will be able to choose his or her style of format (tower or shelf) according to his or her environment, and accessory component according to the desired listening. For example, a film buff will opt for a subwoofer as a bass booster.

    The last word

    This first short article was intended to set the table for what will follow. I invite you to keep an eye on what's to come. In the next article, we will deal with high-fidelity in all its aspects, followed by the various digital audio files, network players, amplification, speakers, record players and many other subjects related to this first column.

    All of this would not be fully useful without a practical guide. Look out for two guides, one on affordable values followed by exceptional products for audiophiles. So there will be something for everyone!

    This is a Wednesday and Saturday event throughout March. 

    Stay tuned!


    *Don't forget the audio fair on 25, 26, 27 March 2022.

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